Support for young professionals


The primary organization of Youth Union of Uzbekistan was established in Uzbekistan GTL on November 14, 2017, upon the initiative of young specialists. The inaugural meeting was held on the same day with Uzbekistan GTL LLC and Central Council of Youth Union of Uzbekistan agreeing on “Establishment of a primary organization of Youth Union of Uzbekistan at Uzbekistan GTL LLC”.


The objective of the organization  is to ensure efficient assistance and support to young specialists of the Company, and implement goals and objectives of the state youth policy, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dd. July 5, 2017 No. UP-5106 “On measures to improve effectiveness of the state youth policy and support activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan”, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dd. July 18, 2017 No. PP-3138 “On the action plan to improve activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan”.

Youth Union of Uzbekistan is a nongovernment noncommercial organization which unites healthy, mature, and intellectually developed youth.


The main goals of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan are:


  • Active involvement of youth into the ongoing process of democratic, political and economic reforms in Uzbekistan;
  • Peace and consent building in the society;
  • Engagement of youth into development of Uzbekistan;
  • Ensuring efficient protection of their rights, freedom and legal interests;
  • Growth of mental and professional level of youth; and
  • Support of youth in implementing intellectual and creative potential.